I've been playing around a little behind my Trapper's back... shame on me... I love the Trapper but I'm thinking about giving the hillbilly a bit of a run. Mostly because it feels like he is a good free salt mine.
Putting a victim on a hook and waiting just a bit off in the distance for one or more of it's team mates to come to the rescue. Then rushing in to injure a new one before chasing down the first one I hooked.
I got told I was running a sweat build and didn't deserve the KR I have by a survivor. When I asked what a sweat build was I was told it is self explanatory. I said it is not then I was told it is and I am lacking in brain cells, I assume because the person actually didn't know how to define it. Could someone please define…
Love hunting down Ace Visconti? There's just something about the way he looks that makes me want to kill him first...
For the sake of the people trying to play as a survivor I hope that somehow those who rage quit/disconnect will one day be punished for it. I wasn't even camping.
First off, sorry if I post this in the wrong place. Maybe there are others like me, I don't play this game to kill all the survivors or to get a high score I don't care if 3 out of the 4 escape, I play it to chase people down and live out my darkest fantasies. 1.) Tunneling: I do this not out of anger or frustration…