I love camping.

Putting a victim on a hook and waiting just a bit off in the distance for one or more of it's team mates to come to the rescue. Then rushing in to injure a new one before chasing down the first one I hooked.
same lmao
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I mean, if they keep going in, they're only making it possible.
However I will say, camping wont get you far. Its instant gratification with no long term benefit or lesson learned.
Oh wait, another brand new account. Do I smell a troll feeding off of the recent upsurge in camping discussions?
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@RoKrueger Do you approve of this thread?
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No. I'm not a troll... I've only been playing for about a week.
I don't understand what you mean by it won't get me far? If you're meaning rank wise, that's not a concern of mine.
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That’s fine if that’s how you like to play, just don’t be upset when it happens to you. 🤷🏻♂️
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I don't play as a victim.
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Survive with friends
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It happens. Why would I complain about people out playing me? Had one game that seemed like it lasted less than 5 minutes. Only saw one of the survivors once.
It's their role to escape.
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Hey... Don't forget your Tent...
(& yes just a joke...)
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I like you.
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Why am I not surprised lmao
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Thats pretty understandable since you've only been playing for a week.
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I doubt my play style will change too much. I do what I feel like each game. Sometimes I just like to set traps and chase people all game, making sure to swing my machete too early so I don't hit them.
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I hate this so much, but I will say nothing more, can’t force you to not camp, but you do realize you get less bloodpoints for staying near a hook for a certain amount of time, This you can’t get the perks you want faster
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I only camp particularly annoying swf trolls. Like the ones that drop a pallet, didn't even stun me but think they did something special, start teabagging and clicking flashlights. Camp. Or if you're gonna killer blond me to drop a survivor. Camp. Or drop a hook while I'm carrying someone to it in my face. Camp. Infinite looper. Camp. Body block? Camp. That's about all I can think of at the moment.
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Oh forgot, Dwight? Camp.
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There aren't perks I want.
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OMG. Get ready for a world of overpowered survivor abuse my friend. You have no idea how bad it is. You'll see three gens pop in 30 seconds while insta healing survivors with sprint burst take you all over hell.
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The flashlight is the most pointless item a victim can carry.
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This is a troll post
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Been there and don't care. You win some you lose some.
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No. I'm just open and honest.
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You r talking bs mate, they way how you respond sometimes is typical for someone who played a lot of hours and discussed a lot. You can't fool me.
Post edited by justarandy on4 -
If you have an x box look me up and see. OG Oz Snow Chimp.
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When I log on to play next I'll post a pic of when I started playing and then I expect you to apologise to me for your accusations.
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I couldn't find a way to note when I started but I figured the total play time and levels should suffice.
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I will proxy camp if somebody is like 5 feet away from me when I'm hooking and then suddenly disappears. Like I KNOW you're crouching behind a rock somewhere so I'm not gonna just go "Ok I'm leaving now byyyyyeeee" and let them unhook for free. So I go searching the nearby hiding spots. And considering I play Leatherface, unhooks are very risky for them. even with Borrowed Time.
Moral of the story is, HIDE if you want to go for an early unhook. Don't get in my face and flashlight and bodyblock and then just expect me to run across the map after the hook.
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yo snow chimp hit me up
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Man let's hook him up with this
Bubble Tent, Outdoor Inflatable Family Camping Tent with Single Tunnel Used As Backyard Transparent Tent with Blower and Air Pump https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07Q599BDP/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_6C2yDbW810S7B
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If you camping you'll get 4k with some conditions: You need at least an eye, an arm and 5 years old. That's all
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Yes please.
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Yessss, we need more of people like you for this community !
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Are you being sarcastic 🤔🤔🤔
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New players are so precious.
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I love the direction this guy is going bravo
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How much paint has this guy inhaled in his life?
Good job Lil Jimmy, now put the dead cats away before going outside.
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You're not telling us anything we dont know, most new killers to the game camp.
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None. I'm a marijuana and Port kind of guy.
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Kindred and Decisive Strike smiles upon you
Its fine, have fun playing and don't let some salty Survivors get to you :P
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This thread have my seal of approval :-D
Thank you for asking. Im proud of you @OGOzSnowChimp :,-)
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Thank you @RoKrueger. I hope through my actions and words that I will continue to do so.
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well you will only enjoy it for so long, also good luck doing well past rank 10 since camping without ending chases quickly will result in a lose.
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"Victim" you mean survivor buddy.
Survivors are hardly victims when you get to high ranks and you will become one of the notorious whiny killer mains.
Just wait and see my friend
Also, of course you're never gonna play survivor, just proves the type of person you are.
P.S before you start whining about survivors at high ranks exploiting and being OP then I suggest you try playing as a "victim"
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@AChaoticKiller If I played games caring about the rank I was I think I'd neck myself. I play to have fun.
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@Chaddad2169 What makes you think I'll get to higher ranks?
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I'm still amazed by the amount of people that fail to grasp the concept that others engaging in the same activity as them don't necessarily share the same motivations.
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You can do whatever you want, no one will stop you from camping. The only thing that you must remember everytime is that there is a person to the other side that want to have fun as well, but is stuck standing still for 2 minutes