Archive 'Cellar Search' bugged
The following archive challenge is not guaranteed to work. Video of it not working: I cannot tell exactly if I pressed forward after unlocking the chest. That's the small tech you can do in the game to save ~1s. In the next video, I decided to let the chest opening animations to play out fully. I also opened it in the…
PC - Nurse getting stuck on Toba Landing
Pretty self-explanatory. Blinking through the stairs on Toba Landing made me stuck for like 2 minutes. I eventually did get out but not sure if it can be replicated with the way how you blink.
PC - Hotkeys in HUD flickering when using Wiretap/RepressedAlliance
Perks: Wiretap & Repressed Alliance Frequency of the issue When both perks are ready to use. You can see it bottom right upon Wiretap being ready. Video/GIF Since this might be related to screen/resolution/graphics settings being custom (in my case Windowed Mode), here's the list of my 'GameUserSettings.ini'…
Bugged position when repairing gens
Platform: PC • Steam Map: The Pale Rose After loading into the game, I wasn't able to repair a generator from a certain position (see gif); another survivor also came by and it looked like they could not repair from that spot as well. This seems like the same bug that happened on 'Garden of Joy' – which was fixed recently?