Slinger’s walk cycle
Does anyone else like the walk cycle from the chains of hate ptb more than they do his live version? I know it’s supposed to thematically go with his character and the leg brace he has but it just looks so slow it doesn’t feel right. The ptb walk cycle was just 😘😘 though
Trickster on Console
So I play on both console and pc, but I play console a lot more because I don’t have complete access to a pc all the time. Trickster on pc is fine, sure, he’s a bit weak at the moment but he’s still playable. Console is a completely different story though. Aiming with that terrible recoil on a joystick just isn’t possible…
Trickster M1 laceration decay bug
When M1ing a target, the laceration meter on all survivors drop, not just the one you M1’d. It’s frustrating when I hit a survivor with seven knives, M1 another survivor, and it’s like I didn’t hit the other person in the first place.
Killer Adepts and the Chaser Emblem
Killer adepts are just way to unforgiving, don't you think? Going for adept killer achievements at high ranks, in my own opinion, is just way too hard. It's almost impossible to double pip and it's not because the survivors are too strong or anything like that, but because it's so easy to lose just one emblem point that…