Too many hooks on map or to hard to wiggle free.
I feel like this game would be more fair for survivors if only half the hooks were on the map or wiggling free was twice as fast. (One or the other not both) I am seriously considering putting this game down because of how ridiculously unfair playing a survivor is.
New killer idea, pennywise (IT)
It would be cool to get pennywise from IT as a new killer and a new map. The sewers.
Idea: New objectives as survivor to change things up a little.
Maybe instead of the 5 generators we can have different scenarios. Maybe 4 different keys that are well hidden, or one hatch that is always in the killers basement but you need a crowbar to force it open. (Button mashing to force open) but survivors will also need to find a way to bait the killer out. Maybe if the killer…