New gamemodes
How cool would or be of there was 2 killers and 8 survivors, a gamemode with a secret killer and thema more gens or just another gamemode. I would likeur That but are thoughts. Comment down what you think.
Survivors, why can't They have a ability to?
All Killers have different ability's, but survivors only have different Perks. I thought about iT and then a see a podcast from the king talking about iT to. Maybe claudette could heal other a little bit faster, maybe met could run a little bit faster, maybe Feng could vault a little bit faster... Evrything is posseble, i…
Prestige 6
Are they going to add prestige 6 becuse i am a quentin smith prestige 3 and i can't get otter costumesation.. so maybe the devs could add prestige 6 with new costmetics. They can do lava, water, woundes evrywhere, dirt.. all sorts of things because if you are prestige 3 with your favorite survivor/killer then you can have…
New gamemodes
How cool would or be of there was 2 killers and 8 survivors, a gamemode with a secret killer and thema more gens or just another gamemode. I would likeur That but are thoughts. Comment down what you think.
Quentin Smith's perks
I really like playing HIM becuse i like him from the movie, but his perks our very bad. Do you ever see anyone using wake up or pharmacy, i don't. I have Some ideas, maybe with pharmacy you can find a Purple Medkit to, or you always find a medkit. Do you have any other ideas, comment them down!
All my friends are pc player but I am a PlayStation player so we can't play our favorite game together and that sucks, so I really hope the are working on it.
Maybe prestige 6?
Are Theun they going to add prestige 6 becuse i am a quentin smith prestige 3 and i can't get otter costumesation.. so maybe the devs could add prestige 6 with new costmetics. They can do lava, water, woundes evrywhere, dirt.. all sorts of things because if you are prestige 3 with your favorite survivor/killer then you can…
Costumasition for pre-existing killers/survivors
I know they are probably not going to do it but how cool would it be if we had costumasitions for micheal, Laurie, Tapp,Quentin and the rest!