Nemesis Tentacle physics
Dear BHVR, I really love the design on Nemesis but one detail is throwing me off. The tentacle moves very unrealistic - like it's very light and would not be able to injure someone. The approx. weight of a tentacle like this must be more like muscle and thus pretty heavy. It is moved by the Nemesis at will so the muscles…
Possible solution to fight frustrating games: Sparring Pit
I just read through the Dbd-subreddit and empathised with people complaining because they get looped infinitely as killer or go down instantly as survivor. I thought that a lot of problems could be fought if there would be a good place within the game to practice chases. If the killers get better, there would be no need…
Suggestion: Silent Hill 2
Survivor: James Sunderland Killer: Pyramid Head Killer-Mechanic: Nurse-Speed, maybe even slower, ultra-wide Range. There are 5 Pyramid Head Incarnations on the map starting randomly somewhere on the map. You may switch between those at any time and move one of them at a time. The others stay where there are. Whenever a…