The Nightmare Rework Feedback
Did some testing, here are my thoughts: Great job overall, this is a good rework as far as they go, but it has some pretty notable problems: 1. I think the new Dream Snares are really cool, I wish it was a bit more of a skillshot (e.g., less spammy) and the Hindered wasn't as long. 2. In theory, Dream Pallets are cool, but…
The Houndmaster's Dog vaults at a faster speed under specific conditions
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Snug vaults vary in time depending on whether or not the Survivor is near the vault. If Snug's hitbox collides with the Survivor hurtbox during the vaulting animation it cancels the vault and the Grab begins early, bypassing the static 0.45s vault time. I took a sample of 150 vaults on Snug, 75 on…
All Platforms - Alucard's Cape Prevents The Ghost Face From Stalking
The cape that Alucard has prevents The Ghost Face from stalking if the cape is covering a large portion of his body. If Alucard is running this is not reproducible, he needs to be walking or to ensure the cape is covering him. This logically should also apply to healing, repairing .etc as the cape covers a significant…