Slinger walking animation
Please change back the Deathslinger's walking animation to the limpy-limps in end game screen ;__; I miss it! Anyone know why they even changed it, or is it accidental?
PC - Unreachable totem spot
I was playing on the Lery's Institution map when I found a totem that I couldn't cleanse. I'll include a video snippet of me trying to reach the totem. I haven't come across this issue before.
Is Jeff's beard supposed to look like this?
I feel like the beard of the Black Metal cosmetic set looked better and more realistic a few patches ago, or am I remembering wrong? Did it always look like this? It looks like a cheap 2€ Santa-beard from the local store imo. I love this skin and used to always wear it but I just can't get over how fake this beard looks…
Remove 4 man SWF
That's all. I'm so, so tired.