A simple rework on hex totens
After having my hex totens getting cleansed 20-30s into the match 7 times straight I thought about a rework where the totem only gets lit with the hex after the hex power is revealed, like: Hex: Blood Favour. Hex: The Third Seal - the hex is only activated on a dull totem after damaging a survivor the first into the match.…
Circle of Healing + any medkit bug
If you started healing with a medkit inside the CoH area and the medkit runs out before you are completed healed the bonus speed from the medkit keeps on until fully healed.
Is there a way to gift auric cells to friends?
Is there a way to gift auric cells to friends? My boyfriend's birthday is next week and I would like to gift him auric cells for the premium pass since he got lvl 70 but doesn't have money to buy it for himself.