A simple rework on hex totens

Thytuz Member Posts: 47
edited November 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

After having my hex totens getting cleansed 20-30s into the match 7 times straight I thought about a rework where the totem only gets lit with the hex after the hex power is revealed, like:

Hex: Blood Favour. Hex: The Third Seal - the hex is only activated on a dull totem after damaging a survivor the first into the match.

Hex: Crowd Control - the hex is only activated on a dull totem after a survivor fast vaults while in a chase the first time into the match.

Hex: Devour Hope - the hex is only activated on a dull totem after receiving the 2nd token (It's when the hex actually starts doing something - the speed boost).

Hex: Haunted Ground - this one actually can't fit in my rework. But I think it can work just like the way it is today but the 2 hex totens just aren't light up. If a survivor tries to bless any of these totens they will know it's hauted grounds because the speed penalty in blessing hexes).

Hex: Huntress Lullaby - the hex is only activated on a dull totem after receiving the 1st token AND a skill check is proc on any survivor.

Hex: No One Escapes Death - the hex is only activated on a dull totem after hitting a survivor with basic attack (still after all gens are done).

Hex: Plaything - It already works the way I'm suggesting but make a dull totem become a hex AFTER getting out of the hook.

Hex: Ruin - the hex is only activated on a dull totem after a generator is left undone.

Hex: Undying, Hex: Thrill of the Hunt, Hex: Retribution - the hex is only activated on a dull totem after a survivor starts to cleanse/bless a totem.

After the hex power is revealed and the dull totem becomes the hex totem it can be cleansed to dispel its Curse normally like it is today.

If there are no dull totens to the hex light up after it hits its conditition the hex will not activate.

That way, even if a survivor spawns right on top of a totem (which happens almost every game) they will be less likely to rush to cleanse/bless it at the start of the match if it is not a hex totem.
