Specialist and Fast Track + (Brand New Part)
I was trying out Fast Track, Specialist, and a Brand New Part in one interaction. The Brand New Part and Specialist applied the generator charge reduction and the Fast Track tokens were used, but no progress was applied to the generator.
Username Change
I'm sure this has been brought up before, but is there any way to change my username on the forums? Changed to a while ago on all other platforms and messaged a mod years ago about it but never got any feedback.
Unable to Rebind Keys Unless in Match - 7.7.0
With the recent update, my key bindings were removed. When attempting to rebind in the main menu, the “PRESS KEY” text block comes up, but no input can be bound. I can only reset to default. When in a match, however, I am able to rebind my keys without issue.
Healthy Obsession Achievement Bugged
The new achievement added with the Silent Hill DLC (4.0.0) "Healthy Obsession" is not tracking heals on the obsession like it should. To my understanding the achievement asks us to heal the obsession 10 times which would tie into Cheryl's new perk Blood Pact which allows you and the obsession to see each other when one of…