SUGGESTION: African servers
I know this has been brought up before, so I decided to start a poll the other day to see if it's something people actually want for the game. (https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/346901/do-you-want-african-servers) My reasoning behind this is also explained in that post. The response has literally been nothing…
Do you want African servers?
I won't lie to you, 200ms+ ping is insane in this game. Getting grabbed from standing on the other side of pallets, so getting hit every time you drop a pallet or vault a window, no matter how well you've played otherwise. AWS has been in Africa for literally 2 years and BHVR still hasn't thought to implement it? Is this…
How many African players are there?
tl;dr: Playing on dbd servers from Africa sucks (~200ms ping). How many African players are there, and can we convince BHVR to add SA servers? I'm from South Africa and absolutely love the game. I finally have a decent Windows PC so I've been playing quite a lot in the last few months. However, something that almost…