After a certain amount of time on the floor you should be able to stand back up. The killer just downed us all and went AFK. This is so stupid, why has nothing been done with slugging? Please fix it, the trash killers do this way too much.
What are your thoughts on deathslinger? Do you think he is strong, weak or balanced?
It would make it so much more rewarding each month. It could also stop derankers.
Add a quick play with no rank for people that want to 'chill' or 'mess' about, and then make the rank mode so much harder to reach rank 1. Right now it is far to easy and don't feel rewarding at all. Then you get them people that want to derank to go against easier people. Quick play would 100% stop people from deranking.…
DS is way to underpowered. It need's to last at least 5 minutes after the unhook.
What is the best map for survivor?