Wraith Glass Window [Digital Artwork]
I decided to rework an old drawing I had done for the 2018 2nd Anni art contest a while back. The picture here is decreased to a third of the size of the original, which sits at a whopping 7MB and is 2450x3450 pixels! I tweaked the colors of the background and added/fixed some of the glass textures. This has also been…
Cranked out in an hour and a half ft the best hands I’ve drawn in my pathetic life. To be continued
Summer Events Cosmetics for Non-paid DLC Survs
I love how this event’s earnable survivor cosmetic is for a paid character, while the killers get a nice Hillbilly weapon. Like. We get it, y’all want more people to buy Diet T-Swift and ICP’s chloroforme adventure. But really? Really?? At least there were multiple characters for the year of the rooster shirt, and David’s…
Re-vamped Moris?
While some of the mori animations for killers are fitting, brutal, and well-animated, two of them look and feel choppy and out-of-place. Trapper and Wraith--the OG killers for DBD--have some pretty lackluster mori animations from either POV. Trapper's mori doesn't fit his character well at all. For such a strong, beefy,…
Cosmetic prices are bad and you should feel bad
I bought the headcase cosmetic pack for $3 and got about 10 or so cosmetics for various survivors. This is a good deal. A nice haircut for Claudette is now $4. This is a Bad Deal. I get that yall are here for profit, but do you guys really think before you release this stuff? /salty