Why'd they ruin one of the best add-ons
It makes no sense that they made the insta-kill add-ons where you have to hang the person twice instead of once now. The animation of the instakill probably takes longer than throwing someone on the hook the third time which kills them just the same. Why must they ruin a good thing. SMH
What's missing when you prestige
I can't be the only one who feels that all the work it takes to prestige a character is rewarded a little weakly, some bloody clothes and a very small percentage of rarer items seems a little light. The answer in my opinion should be every time you prestige you are given another perk slot. So for all us mathematician's out…
Fall into the floor not jump into hatch
On coldwind farm everytime i try to use a key to open the hatch I fall into the floor and remain stuck there until the endgame collapse and die. Obviously this causes me list points and a wasted lost key. Second report of it.