About Demogorgon's abyss heartbeat...
One match, I noticed that channeling abyss near a downed survivor will cause a heartbeat SFX (long story short - taunting a bold and foolish survivor). I'm not entirely sure if that was just someone roaming around a portal or an actually way of detection. Can someone clear it up for me, please ? please (No add-ons, btw.…
About buying a DLC when I have one of its characters already...
Hi ! Long story short - first character I fell in love with (and bought with shards) was the Doctor (long time ago - now I've moved to Myers and Ghostface). I was recently checking out the DLCs, and I was wondering : If I buy the Spark of Madness DLC, while already in the possession of the Doctor, will I get my spent…
Is buying The Legion worth it ?
Hi ! Long story short, I want to buy the Darkness Among Us DLC. Jeff is cool -love him - but the Legion's power is ... questionable. I like them as well, for the style. But I got lost with the buffing and nerfing. In the present, is he good ? Are them too nerfed (Freddy 1.0 nerfed), too toxic, fun to play with? Are them…