Purchase Failed?
Hey I've got a quick question, I wanted to purchase one of the new cosmetic pieces and realized I can't do so with any cosmetic even if I have enough cells/shards. I restarted the game but it doesn't work. Is that a new bug?
2 Killer Bug
does the glitch in which 2 killers appear in a match (either public or custom) still somehow work or has it been patched completely? sure it's a glitch but it was a really fun one tbh
DLC on Switch
is the A Nightmare on Elm Street DLC ever gonna be released on the dbd switch version? i'm aware it hasn't been for a very long time but i'm curious whether it's even being planned to get added in the future or not at all.
Hook Bug
is anyone else getting the bug in which when you're about to hook a survivor it barely works? like you press the button to hook them but you have to do it repeatedly and while doing so they might wiggle out of your grip. it's frl getting annoying