aside from the gameplay mechanics, we need to show the team who's responsible for the story and lore of each character some appreciation. they're very well written and make each character, survivor and killer, unique in their very own ways and are for some even relatable. i've been playing for years now and the lore is…
#1 is definitely ace, but a close one would be claud. and no i don't try being immersed all game or wait for hatch lmfao
this guy needs to hit high ranks
that survivor's health bar doesn't go down quicker if you repeatedly hit them on hook💀
Also pretty much bait, but I'll take a hit for you anytime to get my stacks ;)
planning on it
ez 4ks with doctor and also really good games with ghostface.
i know many people would say tapp, but i main him alongside david, ace and claud. personally zarina seems very forgettable, despite having such nice cosmetics. adam and jeff are great characters as well but i see them very rarely
imo they should add the blue back to macmillan's since that gave the map a bit more of a personality. now it just looks plain boring.
if they're being toxic, i'm gonna be toxic. not the best idea ik but its dbd so what do you expect lmao
what you'd be doing isn't considered smurfing imo. go ahead
whether people say this thread makes sense or not, an ace main i must say im very satisfied
my pc isnt even that bad but yamaoka and the new macmillan's make my ######### laggy as hell it gets annoying. i've never liked yamaoka anyway
also hillbilly but i still gotta practise him
ghostface and daddyslinger
underrated bae
definitely some of the original characters like wraith, hillbilly, trapper, deathslinger, doctor, hag etc. they all have really interesting lores
daddyslinger 100%
sexy ace. he gives me serotonin
i mean i do love moris but getting mori'd right after my first hook makes the game really unfun.
it may not be as fun for all players but killers dont need to follow your survivor rulebook lmfao. and even if, then toxicity on the survivor side should be a reportable offense as well.
the macmillan's map just looks incredibly boring now. i miss the blue
tbh ive spent so much on this game already. the cosmetics just give me serotonin lol
in won as soon as i piped up or got a challenge done LMAO
josh my boy also because we need rami malek's face in dbd
ormand is pretty ######### on certain killers, but even more do yamaoka and macmillan (reworked) bother me. my frame rate drops to points when i fail to hit a survivor although literally every other map works well, as well as when i play survivor. oh yeah and macmillan looked better before too. it looks tasteless now without…
hi i love u for this <3
ace and jeff all the way
body-blocking sends me off even tho i do it too every now and then💔
amanda's pig head would scare the living ######### outta me ngl.
deathslinger all the way
i play both sides and personally prefer playing killer, and if i randomly get a baby into my match i go easy on them. i don't tunnel anyone and always go for the person who went to go for the rescue (mostly to farm right in front of me). i also often give the last person hatch. that is, if they aren't being completely…
i'm an ace main and i relate to his whole character n personality so much so duh
why is he bugged?
lmao and they still havent
just dont play with him tbh
it may be easier for them since they could just create plenty of accounts and it's free. i myself play on console and frequently on mobile but haven't seen many hackers around really.
chains of hate imo
i personally love using it
the flashlight one isnt even that bad but i agree with the other ones.
i'd say both deathslinger and billy tbh
it would actually be really interesting to see. people saying we already have a clown don't make much sense since 1. we also have two killers with chainsaws and no one's complaining about that and 2. pennywise's a shapeshifter, who perhaps could change his appearence/form like the oni or something.
thank you for this