Jane's Victory is Bugged
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Stunned the killer as Jane, multiple times. Archive didn't complete. PLATFORM: Steam Deck STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: wiggled off, Blast Mine triggered, even a good old pallet smack. Nothing. VIDEO: https://youtu.be/6uZxQdi9uC8?si=30UtOaTy8exAc3r4 PLAYER LOGS: Player logs are…
Higher Camera Speed For Controller
I've cranked both options to max, yet it is still too slow. I dearly want it beefed up, this includes vertical movements. Reasons: 1- I miss survivor locations via screams, far too slow. 2- Survivors can easily get off screen running circles faster than I can swivel. The aim assist does not keep up. 3- I constantly bump…
Bug: Cannot Cleanse Totem in Lery's Memorial Institute
Platform: PC Description: Hex Totem, in some laundry basket. Couldn't cleanse the totem. Steps: Find this totem in the basket of Lery's Memorial Institute, it was likely Ruin as that was the hex in play. (Doubt the hex in play matters, but in case it does) How Often: First encounter, no idea how often. Screenshot:
Suggestion: Kate Outfit That Highlights Tattoos
Kate has some really pretty tattoos but lacks a proper outfit to show em off. Only Summer Crossover top shows off her arm tattoo without cutting into the tats details (Ray of Light does as well, but that top is hideous...), while her leg tat is only visible with default outfits. Could mix the two but it comes off tacky to…
Blight Rush Bug: Rush Disabled
Platform: PC Description: Blight cannot run until he melees the air to fix himself after doing objective stuff. Steps: It plagued me as I just did interactions with various objectives, hooking, gen bonking, ect ect. How Often: Frequently, I'd say half the time or more. Map doesn't matter, kept happening where ever I was…
Doesn't say stars? Infection doesn't turn survivors? Or so a friend is telling me? I half expected Nemesis to say stars after a Mori and said Mori would raise the infected survivor as a zombie.... xD
Disconnected With No Error Message
I guess DbD can't handle shirtless David, it disconnected me during a match as I was healing a Feng. Claiming I was idle or my stuff was used. When I clicked to get back to the menus, it met me with a 5 minute penalty. I'm on Steam so I doubt my "stuff was used" and I just got off a hook, got healed, then rescued the Feng.…
Blight and doorframes: Don't work so well
I find it hard to dash through doorframes now, and blight still slides off of things though not nearly as bad. I'll run towards a fence and squeegee right off it.
A Way To Forget Perks Taught
I would suggest/request a way to delete perks a player deems worthless, the "teachable" I mean. "I unlocked a character's perk, now I want it locked back up and away for good". I unlocked garbage like Lucky Break and the other perks of Yui to complete her challenges when I began DbD, now I have more experience and have…
More Monster Killers?
Demigorgon is what caught my eye for this game, to play and hunt as an actual monster beasty thingy. So few games that let me go Carrion on people, use something not human. Are there any more coming/Any talk of adding more? Aliens critter, the facehugger born one, or something?
Rift Progress Carryover?
The Archive: Compendiums - do these keep all progress? As in, I failed to do it all, get all the notes/keychains ... I can resume where I left off in those books next opening in some 4-6 months?