Franklins Demise - Clarification Fix
"Your vicious attacks make the Survivors drop their Item on impact." But it's only "Basic Attacks" that works. "Basic" needs to be added to avoid confusion, since several special abilities is an attack
Option to adjust Menu Ambient/sound effect - Quality of life update needed
The game already has an option for adjusting the "Menu Music" (which is great), but it really makes you wonder how come an Ambient/sound effect slider for the menus (including the blood web sounds) hasn't been added as well or been included within the "Menu Music". DBD is a good and fun game, but it really doesn't seem…
Surv DC (Disconnect) = Handicap for the rest
Just had a game where someone DC'ed instantly, which resulted in a 3v1... A bit surprising that nothing like this has been implemented yet. A suggestion for a handicap could either be an increase to total blood points, or 1 less generator (which would be randomly selected) This should only apply if someone DC'ed early on…