the new killer has to be improved in many ways!
his addons are garbage! the best ones are brown ones, victor has to be improved, the charlotte is terrible (basically a m1 killer)
é impressionante como esse jogo é extremamente desbalanceado !NERF GEN URGENTE!
eu estava esses dias jogando de blight, eu rapidamente encontrei um sobrevivente e a chase acabou durante apenas 15 segundos ( ele se atrapalhou todo se batendo nas paredes ), eu o coloquei no gancho e em menos de 30 segundos eu tomei 1 gen ! durante a partida toda eu fiz chases rápidas e mesmo assim tomei gens ( com…
the generators have to be nerfed !!
i was playing blight these days, i quickly found a survivor and the chase ended for just 15 seconds (he fumbled all over hitting the walls), i put him on the hook and in less than 30 seconds i took 1 gen! during the whole game I did quick chases and even then I took gens (with extreme speed). I was watching a video of…
i was playing blight these days, i quickly found a survivor and the chase ended for just 15 seconds (he fumbled all over hitting the walls), i put him on the hook and in less than 30 seconds i took 1 gen! during the whole game I did quick chases and even then I took gens (with extreme speed). I was watching a video of…