What's up with all this Hex Notification Spam?
I LOVE Thrill of the hunt. But I swear, like every 3rd match or so (at rank 2 or 1), there is at least one survivor in my game who taps the hex totems (I use ruin + thrill) VERY QUICKLY (could also be a macro) so I get spammed with all these explosion notifications. * I am chasing one survivor - someone starts spamming me…
I thought dribbling is out of the game?
The game is so broken, it's actually hilarious xD https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/58565/hilarious-survivor-bouncing-up-and-down-on-pickup
Schrein der Geheimnisse
Wann wird der Schrein der Geheimnisse wieder verfügbar sein? Es ist nun mindestens 1 Monat her, dass er nicht mehr aktiviert ist. Gibt es ein technisches Problem? Oder wird er komplett entfernt. Danke.