By any respect, with lockers they can not spam NEARLY as fast as with Thrill of the Hunt. Like when doing it with a macro
Good catch! ;)
Billy is probably the most balanced killer atm, he can easily get looped and 110% movement speed would hurt him REALLY bad, I don't know what you are thinking...
Any news on this?
Also, it should be a temporary ban, because under their bannable offences, they list "abusing errors in design" and thus gaining a "competitive advantage"? Am I right?
If you don't see a problem with that SEVERE spam, it hasn't happened to you properly. If you would only experience one match of what I have to go through, I bet it would change your mind.
I just get notification spammed with Thrill of the Hunt (refer to my thread). Nothing special to be honest :p
I just told them the spam was very annoying (if not game breaking because you can't hear anything besides the explosions) and that they really should not do it, and I would report them. They then said they don't care and "10/10 would spam again" because it is not bannable ("not even close"), and so there is no point in…
I recently had such a match. It was the best position for it though, because I was huntress and hit at least 3 survivors who wanted to cleanse it. Also hooked them near it, so that was very good though :)
And what if I used ultra rare addons and very rare offerings? They are gone... :(