Why is the live balancing so slow?
The community has been calling for certain buffs on certain killers for years now, (specifically Billy and trapper.) And all we have been hit with is "he's fine" or "well get to it." The live balancing is far too slow for how fast paced the community and character releases are. Every 3 months a character is released while…
Blood Echo Rework Concept
When hooking a survivor, this perk activates for 45 seconds. If another survivor is injured during this time, all injured survivors are mangled, hemorrhaged, exhausted and blinded while the perk is activated and for 25 seconds after the perk is de activated. This perk has a 30 second cooldown.
Who has the most hours at BHVR? And how many?
There are some very questionable changes that happen that most experienced players say are obvious design flaws. I would like to see if anyone at bhvr has more than 2k hours in the game.
Nemesis is such a sad case.
Nemesis is a very fun killer. Low skill floor, high skill ceiling, the perfect killer. But he's not. Nemesis' addons are extremely lack-luster. None of them help him when he's at his strongest (which addons should do!) 4 of his addons help him reach T3- then do nothing. His zombies are inconsistent- so those addons are…