Nemesis is such a sad case.

Nemesis is a very fun killer. Low skill floor, high skill ceiling, the perfect killer. But he's not. Nemesis' addons are extremely lack-luster. None of them help him when he's at his strongest (which addons should do!) 4 of his addons help him reach T3- then do nothing. His zombies are inconsistent- so those addons are very risky to use. Licker tongue and purple parasite addon inflict quite useless status effects for a very insignificant amount of time. His vaccine/ case addons are limited in use- so using those do nothing after a certain time in a trial. He needs a complete addon pass (along with Executioner and Nightmare- but thats a different story for a different time.) I hope a dev sees and responds on the state of Nemesis. Hoping to hear there is plans for an addon pass- considering the tampering with some of them lately.
his serotonin injector grants him 15 seconds of undetectable after whipping a zombie. It is not exactly best undetectable because nemesis is extremely tall and very loud but it does allow you to often approach closer to the survivor when starting the chase. that is pretty consistent add-on. the other add-on that is consistent if you hit & run with it is iridescent umbrella badge. it grant you 60 second of exposed when someone uses a injector. there is only 4 injectors per trial but you can sometimes get a 1-2 exposed hits at the start of the trial to get an ok start. expose is decent effect and you will get to tier 3 very fast to immediately access his full ability if you are proficient at using his whip. he has two consistent add-on's and rest just classic dbd filler add-on's that do practically nothing.
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The way crouching hard counters his whip is so sad.
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you can hit people during animation locks most of the time in my experience. it is weakness in rotating loops so don't expect him to be a huntress at loops.
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Serotonin injector is uselss since nemi has zombies that are usually in the middle of nowhere- and even if it comes into effect its pointless because survivors arent blind or deaf. and exposed addons are always inconsistent- especially for nemi, because survivors will play scared and far away from him even if pressured.
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i actually quite like the counterplay at windows- adds nuance and a special reflex needed for a certain killer