Cannot buy Ashley J. Williams with Shards
Is this supposed to happen? I had the option to buy him with Shards before. Was it removed, or is this a bug?
Remove the disconnect penalty.
Disconnect penalty, as expected, just worked when it was just installed. Why? Because people respond to positive stimuli a lot more than negative ones. The negative ones just impact once they're implemented, and then they wear off. The failed war on drugs has proved this over and over for decades: the stick doesn't work.…
Why can't I buy survivors with Iridescent Shards?
I need to buy Yui Kimura in order to complete the new Tome. I have enought iridescent shards. Yet, when I go to the store to buy her, I can only do so with Auric Cells. What is up with that? Did DbD just become pay to win? If so, I'll just stop playing. It's gets buggier with every patch, and I now I have to spend real…
About the new survey
Since they didn't mention anything about the ridiculous disconnect penalty in the survey that just went out, I made sure to vent my opinion in the final comments section. I encourage others to do the same.