Botany Penalty
Is it really a good idea in hindsight to gimp your charges if you're in need of a self heal, plunder a brown or green medkit and can't even fully heal with it because you wanted to bring a perk to heal your team faster? Maybe have the penalty only effect add on charges? Buffing the base charges on medkits to 24 is probably…
I'm so sick of blight
SBMM isn't even on and all i get is Blight. Blight with 2 slowdowns, tinkerer and blighted crow. Players that live and breathe Blight so they know exactly what they can bounce off and what they can slide off. Oh boy i just spawned into a game and this ugly greek skinned freak is zooming towards me with lethal pursuer i'm…
Breakable Walls are pointless inclusion
Sure they were an interesting idea, but they don't work. Lets use Saloon building as an example. Lots of breakable walls upstairs, ones that help you get out onto the balcony with the gen, and ones that open up the bedrooms on the side. If you don't break the balcony ones, you struggle to get to the gen if survivors are…