how can i see YUIs exclusive cosmetic without buying her ? i cant decide if the skin is worth it to me if i cant see it.
Hi DBD Team. 1: i really hate that i cant see the exclusive skins without buying the character. example i dont know if i want to buy the Oni chapter for Yuis skin becasue i cant even see how the skins look like. 2: sometimes i want to buy multiple items to create my own outfit. but for example: when i click on pants for…
im SICK of it ! i gonna stop struggling everytime now and hurt my team. ITs RIDICULOUS ! i dont want to mash the FKING Keyboard all the tiem its so DUMB who had this idea???.
why is there an option in the game to DC in a Legal way???? instead of Quitting or Disconnecting you can just try to selfunhook and if it doesnt work just stop struggling , which is stupid button mashing anyways. TADA ! you successfully Quitted the game and no one can call it a LEAVE or DC because its an build in legit…
Hi, when will be able to see the Addons of the Items that we pick up from the Chest if we run Ace in the Hole without the need to put the Item down and to Pick it up again??? i mean i can understand you guys are busy now making new Costumes but how about finishing your Game first? just an Idea.