The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!



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  • nah its not worth it. its much better to buy a skin seperately i dont understand why the devs dont sell the chapter with a nice exclusive skin to encourage peopel to buy it . but thanks to all here . i bought her with shards and i will buy the kilelr with shards too .
  • Thanks . its still dumb that i can just look it up in dbd . but i guess you are right, its probably just a recollor. the last skins werent good too thanks a lot for response . i think i gonna buy the chapter with shards for the first time.
  • being carried is wiggling. and the rythm is still to fast to do it for how long? 1 minute + ? and not once a day ..... its still mashing its NOT a nice rythm.
  • @Grimbergoth you talk about Wiggling .... i talk about Strugging.... Struggling is jsut mashing Spacebar for 1Minute and then die anyways if you are unlucky , and if you let go you just hurt the Team, and every one is pissed because the guy on hook could have given some Time by Struggling but he decided to let go and i can…
  • Guy who cares about 2 PIPS if you have to leave the game for some Real life things???? you cant tell me thats an good Arguement to implement a way that allows you to LEave the Game EVERYTIME without Punishment and Hurting all your Teammates ! in other games you get Punished for Leaving too much ! but here you can just do…
  • yeah it would be much better than waht we have now.
  • @Orion im sorry but thats really stupid. saying its THERE because soemothing in real life might happen xD. if something important happens in real life you can JSUT LEAVE in a normal way by QUITTING ! And i really doubt that THATS the reason why its in the Game xD @Vietfox you realize you can f4 in EVERY Game??? and that…
  • who said something about making suicide bannable? jsut remove the option . and the other person can stay hidden until her teammate dies adn still getting the hatch? why should the hatch be for free? let them work at least a little bit for it when they couldnt make the gens.
  • @Doc_W__HOLLIDAY how am i the Troll here at least i tell the Devs waht pisses me off while you say useless crap like "Triggered much?" just dont talk if you dont have anythign to say Forum Troll. sadly i found 2 Forum Trolls super quickly. pls only talk in this Thread if you have somethign usefull to say but i guess you…
  • how does it seem like its working? its not intense its just ######### and ever normal Human can see it is not Fun just forum Trolls cant.
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