Challenge to strong
Hello, for now my english is Bad, sorry. So i think the Challenge in the Rift is to Strong for Baby Player. I am R1 and for me is okay but my Friend is not a good player. For example She cant blind killer... But she also wants to read the stories. I think it would be good if it would be easier quest for the story pages.…
D.server and Crossplay
Hello, Is on PC the D.Server online? On the PS4, there are no servers. when will they come? Is Crossplay planned? Sony allows Crossplay now. We always wait for a round to play... With Crossplay we would all have more players.
Halloween Event Impossible
Hello, I think the Halloween Event this year Is not possible, What is your opinion? I am only Group 28 and i Play a Lot. But the last Serum is in Group 55. I do not think I can do it until the event is over. Do I have to buy groups in an event now? Its too much grind... I play 4-6 hours daily but it is not impossible. Sry…
Old Event offerings
Can we exchange the old offerings? I have over 200+ old sacrifices I'll never need again.
Event more BP for Killer.
Hello, I've got all the ampoules full by now. many know that the surviover can not farm anymore. BUT! the killer Can Farm hooks and become the 5.500 BP per hook. That is not so good. That's why many people will still play killer? The changes with the ampoules helps only slightly.
Feng Min Skirt
Hello! I buy the Skirt for Feng Min, the Coast 400 Cells! The Skirt is horrible! If you run, the Skirt stuck in Mins leg. Please make the same physic in the Skirt as in Megs skirt!
Feng Min Skirt
Hello! I buy the Skirt for Feng Min, the Coast 400 Cells! The Skirt is horrible! If you run, the Skirt stuck in Mins leg. Please make the same physic in the Skirt as in Megs skirt!
Idea for Survivor Specials (ger)
Hallo. Eventuell kann das jemand für mich übersetzten. Mein Englisch ist da nich so gut um es zu erklären? Also, wäre es nicht super wenn die Survivor auch spezielle Fähigkeiten hätten? Nicht etwas was man auswählen kann sondern eher wie Eigenschaften. Die sollen jetzt auch nicht super stark oder so sein. Zb. Jake könnte…
Ps4 Avatar
Hello i wish for free or to buy Avatar icons in PSN Store. :3
Chat for console
Hello i wish a Chat on console for the endscreen. At pc have it idk why not on console. We have a keyboard too. XD
SWF Lobby
When i create a Lobby with Friends and the killer leaves the Lobby than i must my friend Open a new Lobby. It's frustrating yes. It would be better if you stay in the swf lobby. I hope understand what i mean yes. My englisch Bad sry.
Claudette Black outfit back pls
Hello. In the PTB Claudette have the last Full outfit in Complet Black. And now the outfit is Gray. 2 gray outfits! Why? I need the black outfit back please :(