adept achievements bugged for anyone else?
ive played 2 games where i shouldve gotten adept, one as dredge and the other as hag and havent gotten the achievement for either of them. this is actually my second time where i shouldve gotten the dredge adept but apparently it was bugged (at least from what i read) the last time i tried to adept him. figured id wait…
Wiggle bug against nurse. body stuck floating in the air
Platform-PC While going through doors or tight hallways, the survivor body seems to get stuck and floats there in mid air. as survivor you cant wiggle off and the killer cant do anything like attack or drop you, hook you etc not sure how replicable t is. down survivor and walk through a door or tight hallway happened to me…
Thoughts on these Demogorgon addon ideas?
I main Demo and basically having 3 good/decent addons suck, so i came up with some addon ideas. I doubt they'd get implemented but it was still fun to brainstorm. Addon to increase his shred distance but makes charge time longer,/stun time if you hit something longer When Demo portals, all placed portals will open and act…
Demogorgon is basically just UwU Pounces on You
I've come to this realization and now you all must suffer with this knowledge.