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Thoughts on these Demogorgon addon ideas?

suspect Member Posts: 8
edited April 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

I main Demo and basically having 3 good/decent addons suck, so i came up with some addon ideas. I doubt they'd get implemented but it was still fun to brainstorm.

Addon to increase his shred distance but makes charge time longer,/stun time if you hit something longer

When Demo portals, all placed portals will open and act as if he is coming to that portal. (kinda like that Freddy addon where all gens spew blood but he cant cancel the teleport) not sure how good this addon would be, but it'd give him some deception like oooo is he coming to the portal or a different one?

Iridescent addon idea-when using a portal, Demo instantly emerges at the portal he wants to teleport to. (so it would make his upside down world speed instant. goes through the animation of opening portal and then instantly appears at the next portal). OR upside down world speed is doubled or tripled, kinda like a better/faster version of Deer Lung. Maybe have a drawback of increasing portal cooldown.

Addon to make his shred apply deep wound. I doubt this would be a good addon but ######### it, why not.

Possible Demo ability change. After emerging from a portal, Demo crawls on all fours, keeping his profile low to the ground. (also puts his pov low to the ground) He makes no footstep noises due to being on all fours. This stance would cancel after a few seconds (maybe make the stance last as long as his undetectable lasts ie if undetectable lasts 5 secs, he would crawl on all fours for 5 secs) This stance could be cancelled by player by pushing button.

The main reason his "stealth" after portaling sucks is because his footsteps are loud af so adding this new mechanic would be kinda neat. Or they could just remove/quiet down his footsteps after emerging from portal.

Also, possible Mindbreaker buff. The perk now exhausts survivors when they touch an exit gate handle. The perk quote at the bottom says that Demo has strange effects on nearby electronics hence why survivors get exhausted when touching gens, so why not add this effect to exit gates as well. The perk still wouldn't be that great, just a small buff to it.

Let me know what you think and if you have any ideas of your own

Post edited by Mandy on


  • DoctorIdiot
    DoctorIdiot Member Posts: 56

    I really like the deep wound and crawling ideas

  • Cornpopers_Evan
    Cornpopers_Evan Member Posts: 2,428

    I LOVE both the iridescent addon idea and the crawling one. I really want to see demodoggo on all fours right from the announcement! lol

  • Blazelski
    Blazelski Member Posts: 351

    I like these ideas. I'd say the iridescent should have the drawback that the portal you traveled from is destroyed, but a longer cooldown could be good too.