I'm having problems with this system, haven't played in some time and jumped in a few games as survivor and noticed some flaws in the system. The biggest one is IF THE KILLER PLAYS AS WRAITH AND STAYS AFK DOING NOTHING YOU WONT PIP. I would like to see this changed since you waste your time doing no progress…
5 times today i get down to 2nd stage because this perk doesnt work. I did a safe rescue and the perk lighted up and guess what didnt work. I mean this bug was in the PTB and devs cant fix it pathetic as usuall.
End game possible changes
So i finally managed to watch the entire Q&A #4 and them talking about some endgame ideas which i really liked. I was thinking why not make bloodworden a base ability for every killer and everytime a survivor is hooked after the gates are powered the entity's spikes appear and block the survivors for 60 seconds. This will…
High rank killer queues
So since 2.1 ive been getting super long queue as killer, even tho i live in Europe and i play during middle of the day. Can we get this fix already 3 weeks and no fix for such a critical bug that doesnt allow you to play the game. 23k ppl playing right now i really doubt that is because of "survivors quiting the game"…
Lobby long queue times still not fixed.
Since the 2.1 patch the queue times for killers have been pretty bad, this is not because of the survivors quiting more about the matchmaking bug that is still in the game after 2 WEEKS. I get it that the devs don't work weekends but for the love of god when you have a gamebreaking bug there should be an exception. Not…