When is the "Realm Beyond" gonna continue?
When are they gonna update the Swamp and Red Forest realms and some other killer/survivor models? Hag in particular could use a redesign, Legion too in my opinion as they look so mundane and boring. …5 -
How would you buff/change the Clown?
My ideas: 1) His yellow bottles can be good but are too clunky and awkward to set resulting in most people just ignoring them and never use them, decrease time to activate from 2.5 seconds to 1.5 sec…2 -
Give Freddy both snares and dream pallets in his base kit
He got hit very hard with the nerfs, he should have both at his disposal and he still wouldn't be OP. (Also bring back the scary faces coming from his palm he had when putting survivors to sleep year…3 -
Re: Which Killer is the most evil (original killers)
Speaking about original killers only, Trickster, Ghostface, Clown and Doctor are the most evil ones. Those 4 are pure sadists that 100% enjoy what they are doing and would probably never leave the En…2 -
Re: Playing as killer sucks and you know it
Don't worry, leaks clearly reveled a while ago devs are actively coding AI controlled killers/survivors. In about a year or so there will not even be a need for real humans to play as killers. Can't …1