Don't buy the new Kate cosmetic, it's really poorly made and a waste of your money
I'm a Kate main and I was already a little bummed when it was revealed that the head would be locked in with the dress. But after buying and playing with it, I can say with full confidence that this …7 -
Re: ah. it's always nice going against survivors who like to abuse DS
I think the reason why survivors force DS is because if they don't there's a chance that they just wasted a whole perk slot on a perk that they didn't even use, and that's just no fun. But even if th…1 -
Feng Min's name
What even is her name? I've heard that her name is written the Chinese way, which would mean her first name is actually Min, but at the same time her bunny outfit's banner used Feng as her first name…1 -
Game Over scoring event bloodpoint value
I think the Game Over scoring event should award you 1000 bloodpoints. The Game Over scoring event only awards you 500 bloodpoints while moris give you 1000. I think this is really dumb, especially s…1 -
Re: Graphics Update Questions
Yeah, Meg has a permanent look of extreme confusion on her face and it looks ridiculous. Nea's face is fine, she's just scowling all the time. If you look at her you can tell the designers did their …2