Re: Until the Dc penalty is back I am refusing to play your game
Honestly, the biggest problem with all of this is just queue times. Solve that, and having a bad match won't be a big deal. My friends play Fortnite a lot too, and we have bad games all the time. The…4 -
Re: devs who are "many" which believe bloodlust no longer necessary.
As I've seen in other threads, this change is set to severely hurt less skilled players. The fact that queue times went sky high since it's started is a sign of that. Yes, some "gud" killer…7 -
Re: Matchmaking Queues Trash
A whole lot of people aren't playing killer this weekend. Expect queue times to be long.1 -
Re: DBD Stadia is, like, shockingly good.
What sort of system are you running it on? For me it was terrible... major input delay, especially with the mouse on Chrome on a MS SurfaceBook2. When on Chromecast on TV there was still delay, espec…1 -
Re: Solo Q isn't fun.
Why have you spent 3,230 hours doing an activity you do not find enjoyable, nor get paid to do?6