Re: I was finally able to break by 6 year DBD Addiction because BHVR made Solo Surv so unfun to play.
Good to see somebody in the forum that has some actual logical thinking and common sense :)0 -
Re: Why am I punished for dcing, when a nurse refuses to pick my whole team up?
LOL Look up the word hypocrite it would be handy for you to understand. You call me the problematic person and that i need to improve my communication, yet you then go on by trying to insult me perso…1 -
Re: Looks like many people reached an agreement of using knockout
Not to fun for you but not for others mayeb quit gatekeeping other peoples fun2 -
Re: Looks like many people reached an agreement of using knockout
So your using stats that are near a year old to make claims and the stats honestly are fairly generic at best, but i do see your point may not agree with it all but i do see it. third seal - you can …2 -
Re: Looks like many people reached an agreement of using knockout
Knockout truly not the main problem i just faced a slugging nurse and trapper, it was not running knockout nor was the trapper. Nurse slugged at 5 gens more because the team were morons Trapper in en…3