Re: Something else to do at endgame
10% haste wont solve that. I am happy having my foe in the basement with stalk on the entire team and get a 4k. Why should i promote running around getting my legs tired when i got my survivor where …0 -
I am honestly too tired ti play much anymore because of the effort i have to put in facing people on coms. Would it be too much to ask to actually add a SoloQ where you cannot invite your friends exc…-3 -
Re: SoloQ
Well because it is alot more common for someone to be able to get a hold of 1 more person to play with as in any game. In World of Warcraft 2v2 has always been the most popular ladder? Why? Because i…-6 -
Re: Are content creator tanking their MMR?
Make sense it could be the case. The reason for the question is that if we consider these people the top of the crop then why is it not the same in other games ? You do not see someone who playing fo…0 -
Re: Are content creator tanking their MMR?
Thanks for the input guys. The reason why i made this post is because i recently picked up twins and honestly i have had a really great time with her , Shes prestige 10 now and i win most of my games…-1