Re: (FIXED in 8.4.2) Yun-Jin Lee's Eyes are Broken
📌This bug is still present in Patch 8.4.0. and all facial animations are affected.1 -
Re: Be Kind to Each Other ❤️
Hello sakaiyin. Thank you for sharing this post. You're so strong and brave. If you ever need someone to talk to from the community feel free to reach out to me on here. Sending love.1 -
Re: (FIXED in 8.4.2) Yun-Jin Lee's Eyes are Broken
📌This bug is still present in Patch -
Re: is killer bloodpoint bonus gone?
Mine aren't fast. I usually wait for a couple of minutes. Must vary depending on region.1 -
Re: is killer bloodpoint bonus gone?
Same. I never seen the BP bonus for killers for a very long time in my region. Might be because of all the balance changes that make playing killer a better experience.2