Re: No PTB dev update today?
Well why would you change something while knowing that people are not gonna like it in the first place.3 -
Re: No PTB dev update today?
For the curiosity's sake, could you elaborate on why exactly dev updates are so tight for scheduling? I always percieved them as something that is done with ease but if it isn't it'd be intersting to…8 -
Re: What are Some Recent Good/Bad Changes?
Good changes: • Freddy's rework as a whole • Most of the recent killer tweaks, especially Myers • Most of the recent perk balancing • Rarity adjustment for Sacraficial Ward • Surrender option • Survi…3 -
What happened to design previews?
More than 4 monts ago, back in October, we got our first design preview that let us know about the changes planned for the Trickster. And while we have not recieved any updates on Trickster specifial…9 -
Re: Freddy Rework
Look at the comment above you.1