I, as a gay man myself, don't understand why people screaming about wanting a LGBT character. I'm more than sick and tired of games that release a ######### up character that feel forced because they…1 -
Re: I only get killer daily rituals.
I don't think it is RNG. It is more like if you do more survival daily in a row, they will purposely give you killer daily so that you will play killer for a few match at least. I tried delete the ki…1 -
Re: Apparently a lot of ladies play this game. Do you think this is true?
There are a lot of ladies in this game, I can confirm. I played in Asian region, specifically Malaysia & Taiwan area. Have a few discord groups and quite some number of girls on it. Some of them …1 -
Re: The most annoying things for you as a killer or survivor.
Killer: Survivor not lining up to let me hit and hook them. Not getting an ez 4k game. Survivor: Killer not letting me BM them and butt dancing for them in front of the exit gate. Killer not giving m…1 -
Re: Bubba's chainsaw should have a overheat mechanic.
What make it different though? He can still stand in front of the hooked person, looking around for saviours. If he confirmed the saviour not faking a save, he charges up and boom, still down both of…3