(Spoiler It 2) Chances for IT Chapter 14, here the theory

In the movie there are some objects that are missing very important for the boys to be able to defeat penny and if ... the devs have done this once possibly do it again with another object? there are chances!
First object missing : katana..
what is the next?...
Gibby from ICarly the next killer confirmed.
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If they actually start pulling things from the maps and seeing if anyone notices that would actually be pretty cool. I would love to see how long it would take people to notice that Maurice the horse is missing.
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I found the leaked mori still image.
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Please no, the last thing this game needs is more licensed killers.
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there is a chance for It but not 100% xd
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if the devs teaser us with another object missed... It confirmed ?. Lets see today
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?Guess we'll have to see ?
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Damm, look at he's weapon!. Can't wait to play him. I wonder if he comes as solo killer chapter like Ghostface, or maybe with survivors. Imagine Gibby chasing Carly or Spencer.
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@Th3Nightmare I did similar post and it's really possible! What if katana can hibernate Pennywise or he collect items from the Killers? (Spirit renember what her father did)
I think the killer will take more things from realms. Maybe Father's Chapel and something from Clown's base or maybe the Maurice XD.
Maybe Pennywise takes things related to different feelings? Katana = hate; (Clown finger?) = nostalgia, next = next, another = another?
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Yeah, we must to wait what is next? maybe today another object miss... but all this have sense
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This thief better not take Maurice or i'll find him and kill him ! Maurice is a living being and should be treated with respect and love ! He suffered enough in his life !
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Shortly for me because I pat him everytime I'm on that map
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The forums would be set ablaze by the disappearance of Maurice, it would be deadly to take him away :P
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A very, very interesting theory - I like it
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Killer power : gibby!
Hold m2 to start charging, once finished charging let loose a scream that stuns survivors within 16m
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Taking away Maurice would cause mass riots, resulting in the entire DBD fanbase to storm BHVR headquarters in an effort to get our good boi back.
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OMG it must be a Thief licenced chapter. Omg omg I wonder if he's sold the katana yet.
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Are there any other missing elements? That may not be the only one!!!
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*unpopular opinion*
Im really not happy or don’t even really care for the whole “Rin’s dad” as killer idea. I mean it’s cool that the devs are continuing the story of a chapter if it is but I would’ve liked a brand new original chapter cause it’s been awhile since we had one.
Maybe if they post more about stuff missing from maps then I’ll be interested and like the OP said, it could be Pennywise, or a chapter based around a thief or a mystery.
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I agree with you exactly. I just think there are so many other options to explore that will feel a lot more fresh. I don't see Rins father being very interesting but having said that I don't know what he'll be like if he was in game.
I just hope it's teasing tome 2 lore rather than the next chapter. I thought teasing the next chapter would come maybe next week.
Tome 1 level 2 releases in 2 days (14th) that to me suggests the Spirit lore with her father is just an insight into the second time.
Post edited by AshleyWB on2 -
Huh I didn’t even think about the tome lol. If it’s based around the Spirit it would be awesome, hopefully it’s that and not a chapter
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Tome 2 releases in January. Tome 1 - Level 2 releases tomorrow or Thursday. Why would they tease Tome 2 when the next chapter isn't even out yet? Not smart from a marketing stance.
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Well I meant level 2 of tome 1 is out on the 14th. I'm sure most people got the idea.
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Disagree. Licensed killers are the reason this game is as popular as it is. You should be thankful even.
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Really?? Maurice is missing??
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It really isn't the next tome - why would they tease the next mid season patch before even teasing the next killer due in a month or so? logic?
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I will not be thankful for overpriced, often disappointing content, thank you very much (i.e. Stranger Things)
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This Mathieu Cote Tweet "maybe" refers to what is coming next is the next DLC and that the Spirit teaser has SOMETHING in common with the next DLC (killer)
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Well that's fine, your opinion. I find licensed content to have much more of a positive impact on the game than most originals in more ways than one.
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Stranger things was huge what are you talking about?
Every licensed chapter has been a huge hyped event way more so than original chapters. They're usually great dlcs that bring classic characters in with cool abilities crazy that anyone would hate that tbh.
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Considering all the perks were underwhelming and the killer is boring and uninspired, it wasn't such a 'huge hyped' chapter for all of us.
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then you speak for yourself, nancys perks are good especially if your new to the game, the killer isnt even boring imo he's the only one really making sounds while attacking with his power or just even holding his power open, the new map of the laboratory was a very good addition that at the start almost everyone was uncomfortable because it was different from the other indoor map settings but now almost everyone i know that hated the map at the beginning are loving it now.
you dont even need to buy the chapter if you dont want it. yeh it costs more then the other chapters but its because of 2 survivors instead of one that we usually get in a chapter.