Does Mikey still jump scare you?

Hag Traps and Mikey are the only things that scare me in this game, anybody else? What scares you in the game?
Getting grabbed off a gen by a ghostface from nowhere scares the crap out of me every time
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Hag does still, same with michael as I will be on discord, minding my business after my friends thought it was a legion at long range, and BOOM, pulled of a gen and now have ######### in my britches
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Michael is the scariest for me. Pig face was the second, but now she’s just annoying with her stupid reverse bear traps.
Ghostface can be scary, but for the most part, the players who play him are pretty chill, and really good sports. I love playing against them. I also love catching Ghostface trying to peak around a corner.
Trapper is probably the second scariest just from the amount of pressure a good Trapper could set up. I never knew patches of grass could be so scary.
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Spirit with prayer beads nothing is more terrifying then looking around wondering who the killer is then BAM picked up off generator because at least michael i constantly look around.
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i get jump scared by random pallet drops. like im just patrolling gens as a killer and BAM! not even in a chase, didnt even see them. just wanted to smack me with a pallet.
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If for some reason he's able to sneak right on top of me, then yeah.
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Unless you’re running Spine Chill or you’re in a SWF, I think all of the stealth killers have the ability to scare you. I was having so much fun using Amanda’s Letter last night and I actually got 4 gen grabs in 1 match and 2 in the following match. I know for a fact the people I grabbed almost had a heart attack. I had a guy message me recently saying I scared the ######### out of him whilst doing a Scratched Mirror Myers build. I love scaring the survivors. I think it makes the game more fun for them. 😂
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Nah, i just go: "Oy vey!"
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It has a lot to do with his design and chase music. There's always something unsettling about Myers beelining towards you out of nowhere and that music suddenly starting
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Ya he gets me still. Especially in the indoor maps when I turn a corner and BOOM
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The magic of not knowing it's The Shape in the beginning of trial died with his EW1 stealth change.