We got stats!
We need more stats! 😂
But I would like some more indeed
This one I assume is on all ranks, but can we get it for just red ranks?
And they confirmed that Spirit is popular but not the strongest... So why is she getting nerfed again..? XD
The stats confirm our fears ;)
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Yeah sounds about right ######### hawkins
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Not surprised the indoor maps have the highest kill rates. Nor that the farms and Haddonfield have the best survival rates.
Was very happy to see my favorite boogeyman Myers holding his own in the kill rates in both red ranks and across all ranks, too. Love ya, Mikey.
One stat that didn't surprise me was seeing Hag last in the popularity picks at red ranks because I hardly ever see her myself. It does make me wonder why though because she is a solid killer.
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I'm not surprised at the three safest maps. Thompson's House and Rancid Abattoir are probably right behind Rotten Fields.
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She is good, just not overly interesting to a lot of folks. There are other characters who can teleport and do other things; most of her character comes from Totems- which all those perks can be used on any killer so....
and yeah the Hawkins map and the Haddonfield map could use some changes I think it's safe to say, but if you change hawkins you should still fix that one gen that is flat unreachable for most killers.
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Hag is my least favorite to play against, so Im completely OK with her being unpopular. I just get so paranoid about stepping ANYWHERE when shes on the map.
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As a killer main, i prefer playing in the safest map than on the deadliest ones
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The three safest and three deadliest is not a surprise to anyone whose played both sides very very often.
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I feel like the surge in trapper players is because of the challenges in the rift. I hope they are aware of different parts of data being skewed.
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Yep, no surprise that The Game is STILL near the top of the list of most deadly maps.
Edit: NVM on Haddonfield, I misread the stats.
Edit 2: Wait, no I didn't. Yeah, Haddonfield is still behind 2 other maps.
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Kinda depends on the killer and playstyle really. If I'm trying to be sneaky and play Myers stealthfully, indoor maps are great so survivors dont see a white mask coming from 50 meters away. If I'm throwing stealth out the window with popping T3 and infectous fright... an open map like rotten fields just limits survivor safe locations.
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Plague does not seem particularly powerful in red ranks. I thought the dev guy said that she had high learning curve and was stomping all?
Leatherface actually does better...
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That's probably true. They seem to be aware that stats can only tell you what is happening, not why it's happening.
In the meantime, I definitely appreciate the effort here. Good on you, BHVR.
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I hope they actual fix Demodog's issues and don't straight buff him, because I think fixing his problems would be more than enough of a buff to get him up there; and I don't want them buffing him and not fixing those issues, and then him getting nerfed later and still having them xD
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How often are we talking about here?
*looks with high expectations
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While getting stats is awesome, I would like to give some suggestions for their presentation.
In the maps diagram it would be helpful to include the names of the maps in addition to the pictures. Not everyone can recognize Fractured Cowshed and Rotten Fields by the image alone.
In the Nurse chart it's not clear how her "performance" is measured exactly. Do the bars represent the kill rate like in the first two diagrams, the "pick rate" or something else entirely?
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So the MoSt BrOkEn OmG BaLAnCeD LanDInG map isn't exactly the most survivor sided? Interesting...
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considering all killers are above 60% at red ranks, wouldn't you say its perks that are carrying the game?
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I certainly didn't didn't... I just went "corn, corn, haddonfield... yeah, makes sense"
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Not exactly. Haddonfield IS the most broken when you consider balanced landing. Just not in general. Not everyone uses balanced landing.
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Probably because it's not quite as broken if you don't bring Balanced Landing. I've played on it as a survivor before; it tends to be easier than other maps, but you can't loop the killer forever if you don't have BL.
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Pig confirmed better than Nurse :P
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Btw, can we please add "most used perks" to the next one? Always good to see that ^^
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So... Most-used survivor perks: Borrowed Time, Decisive Strike, Adrenaline, Dead Hard, Balanced Landing?
And most-used Killer perks: BBQ & Chili, Hex: Ruin, No One Escapes Death, Monitor & Abuse, Spirit Fury, Enduring, Nurse's Calling?
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Still, even WITH BL in its current state and even though BL is, for now, the best Exhaustion perk, the map is only #3 in terms of favoring Survivors. With BL getting its well-deserved nerf, and considering the massive effect that perk had on that map, I doubt it will still be #3 in the long run. Which tends to go against the current suggestion that it's so slanted that it needs to be reworked.
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Haddonfield is still very survivorsided without balanced landing. It was really strong even before the BL buffs. Its a big time commitment to search a house for survivors or just go upstairs to start a chase with a survivor on a balcony.
Rotten Fields still takes the cake. You can see the killer over the whole map, but he cant see you.
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I feel like Billy is the only killer who can really thrive on Rotten Fields.
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Her playstyle can be rather obtuse. I think the only people that use her tend to be very good with her, which goes a long way towards explaining her kill rate. Additonally, she tends to have an extremely tedious wrap up phase once two are dead if she doesn't snowball. Survivors tend to get ridiculously immersed and you end up patrolling and chasing at 110% to get the remaining stragglers.
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Hag can do it too.
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Might be other factors at work here. I have a...certain playstyle when survivors burn Strode Keys. I'm sure other killers do too.
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Thank you guys! This is exactly my point! Why bottering nerfing the perk if it doesn't have this much impact and not everybody uses it?
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I actually like corn maps as Huntress
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Yeah, I don't own Hag, but I can't say that her playstyle really appeals to me. Slowly walking around the map at 110% speed, setting traps, watching the first few gens pop, then snowballing as soon as people start triggering my traps. It feels slow, uninteractive, luck-based and boring.
Trapper has a similar playstyle, but I think it feels more satisfying when your traps can actually hurt people on their own instead of just letting you teleport to them, and when your traps lead to insta-downs instead of just a hit. Plus, Trapper moves faster.
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As Hillbilly with distressing + M&A is fun too
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Things that caught my eye:
Clown and Demogorgan are statically the weakest killers on average.
Also stats of any kind is somewhat useful.
I feel like bubba would be bottom if it wasn't for those falling for his insideous traps to lure Survivors in, and those few utilizing PWYF stacks to pick off Survivors.
I wonder how reducing the sound of demogorgan footsteps and giving clown 2 more bottles at base will help these killers.
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Hawkins is a guaranteed death for survivors lol.
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Because the perk has the power to break maps. Like haddonfield.
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Haddonfun unsurprisingly among the safest maps
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Any chance u could do all the maps? I've always been curious.
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Hag might not be in red ranks often because she suffers with the chaser emblem and early-game gen pressure. I know that when I played hag with the current system, I rarely pipped in purple ranks despite me performing well. Contrast that with my Legion, who I don't do as well with yet have no problems getting to red ranks.
Most hags are probably stuck at purple ranks because of how her power interacts with the emblem system
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Each of those deadly 60%’s. Is a Scratch Mirror Myers.
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My safest is hawkens lab and lery's. lol