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General Discussions

hey devs, i hope youll be consistent with your beliefs and ban people for abusing the basement bug.



  • Member Posts: 1,920

    It's coming into play in almost every game I play. Escapes are suddenly much harder (except of course for the Blendettes who don't even plan on playing). I'm incredibly frustrated and hope they give us some extra time on the rift challenges because this is destroying games for survivors. But hey, killers are sure happy.

  • Member Posts: 1,903

    I'm sorry the bug exists, but let me explain to you a few things:

    1) it's been said many times you would have to catch them somehow saying that they were abusing this bug and then you would have to take said evidence via ticket to bhvr and that would get them a ban or a time out or something.

    2) if you don't want to risk it don't be in the basement, and before you say you can't stop being in the basement yes you can, don't GO INTO it what so ever, if the killer takes you there well it happens but the bug is not 100%.

    3) there is no way to know who is going to get the bug until it happens so you can't say they are intentionally getting the bug.

    4) it apparently causes the game to struggle for you when this happens. so if it's your second hook you have to wait the struggle out.

    5) a bug like this may not be noticed by testing as it was NOT reported during the PTB because it may not happen every time. this means that yes a DLC is released and an interaction causing this was not anticipated. ALSO you might notice that with the patch came a perk that would have returned legion to it's old self BUT they removed deep wounds from being dependent on the killer's terror radius to being dependent on the character SPRINTING(running). so you might realize that they ARE a) listening and b) actively trying to not muck things up with new things being added in.

    6) threads like this always devolve into he-said, she-said and us vs. them mentalities. stop accusing people of things you have no proof what so ever or knowledge of what is happening.

  • Member Posts: 749

    This is about as logical as saying survivors who finish gens and escape after the killer is stuck on a generator should be banned. This game introduces a new glitch every week. If they started banning for this type of stuff nobody would be left playing.

  • Member Posts: 1,556

    Lol. I was winning plenty of games as killer with the wake up bug. Sounds like a personal problem for you. These two bugs are not even comparable. One hurts your chances at winning, the other makes it where the game is literally unplayable. Please play both sides consistently to get a better perspective or at the very least don't be dense or play dumb and try to act like these are similar issues.

  • Member Posts: 890

    I wasn't playeing the game during that time so it wasn't a "personal problem" and yet again my intention was not comparing the two but to state that survivors got benifitial bugs as well. I never argued that they are similar or that having one that makes the game unplayable and another which relies on a specific perk being selected had the same impact. Please don't assume my stance. If someone says X bug would be fixed "immediately"on Y role and imply that their role has intentionally slower bug fixes I will give examples proving otherwise.

  • Member Posts: 1,903
  • Member Posts: 25

    So because I got a basement hook without knowing the bug I'm an exploiter? How are people who just play the game supposed to know? This isn't an exploit and it's not the fault of the people who "use it". Cool your entitlement buddy. It sucks but we'll just have to deal with it.

  • Member Posts: 1,556

    You compared the two. It was a poor comparison. Survivors aren't complaining about the benefit that the killer receives from the bugged hook. They're complaining that they literally can't play the rest of the round because of the bug. Wake up did not prevent killers from completing the matches.

  • Member Posts: 1

    hey, btw it’s not permanent, if you fall off say the basement stairs down or off’ve any ledge it makes everything back to normal. so, at least it’s not completely game breaking?

  • Member Posts: 1,899

    There is no way to differentiate players who are doing it on purpose and ones that are just playing the game (or even doing archives challenges that make you hook in the basement) so most likely no bans will be handed out.

  • Member Posts: 1,903

    there are ways to know if it was intentional or not, it gets a bit harder to tell but it is possible to know if it was a network cord being pulled or a power drop. there are a good deal of information housed in the packets that go back and forth between the client and the server. this information is available for BHVR to analyze.

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    What information could one look at to verify whether the Killer was intentionally trying to get this bug going?

  • Member Posts: 1,903

    I was talking about disconnects, my apologies for misunderstanding what you were talking about there.

  • Member Posts: 1,594

    If that's the case, shouldn't they have banned people for abusing the wake up bug aswel? or are we gunna let that slip by cause survivors have "nothing" buggy with,

  • Member Posts: 273

    Killer mains wouldn't know about the basement bug since they don't play survivor. Just saying

  • Posts: 5,229
    edited December 2019

    If they see in your chat people told you that it's bugged and asked you not to do it, and your next match is an agitation basement build you basement hook 3 people's pretty obvious what you are doing.

    I wouldn't worry about getting accidentally banned; as for the challenge yes they should just auto complete them but for some stupid reason that has not occurred to them yet.

    I'm a killer main, I play survivor sometimes and got affected by the bug.

    So what you said is incorrect, since you used absolutes.

  • Member Posts: 3,893

    I don't think Killers Are purposely doing it there's a challenge to get people in the basement.

    Also most Killers are going to go for the closest available hooked the same time if they down you by the basement they weren't going to waste my time trekking you somewhere else.

    Calling for band is a little extreme especially when the archives encourage basement builds it's not like the Legion blade thing where you honestly had to go out of your way to do it without any encouragement

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