The new Legion update - A look at it from a perspective of a former Legion Main

Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

Hey Guys

Maybe I start the discussion with a few words about me, so that you guys know which background I have.

I have bought dbd and of course also the Legion dlc because of the Legion. I have play since... A few weeks after the release of the Legion dlc, because if I am honest, I was not sure if the game fulfills the shown fun in the comercial trailers and so on, -so I had struggle a bit with the purchase before I have buy finally dbd.

I had bought then the Legion and not care if she is op, or a killer who everyone laughs about. I just wanted to play the gameplay I have seen in the longer dbd trailer.

So, since the Legion trailer has exactly shown how the gameplay with the Legion was, you can already assume - I was in heaven... Or better in the entity realm^^... with the pre patch Legion.

Then bhvr had push out their catastrophal Legion patch and the gameplay I had loved was totaly destroyed and obviously I was because of it - like many others - mad at bhvr for what they have done (the patch is still a red flag for me^^) and stop playing the game until end of november/begin of december.

Yet, they have push out another patch again and... I feel mixed.

I am not angry anymore at bhvr, but I also can't say that I jumping happily around.

The new patch has give for me the feeling of the old Legion a bit back. Some guys would argue with me here, but I had always play the Legion because of the hunt.

I had love to make on one hand m1 mindgames with the survivors and on the other hand, to hunt them down with the special abilities of the Legion (feral frenzy and deep wounds) when I feeled that I need to feel a bit adrenaline :).

The new patch has made this possible again... Sort of.

There are 1 primary thing that still anoys me and 1 secoundary thing I would like to see gone, especially with high rank survivors in mind.

I assume, nobody argue here with me, if I say that advanced survivors are a ton better as every beginner that comes in.

So, let us finally come to the 1 thing that need imo be changed and the 1 I would like to see changed.

-When the Legion hits someone with m1, feral francy getting resetted. I really think that this should not have an impact on the feral franzy abilitie. In games with survivors who know what they are doing, it hurts the Legion too much in my opinion and it also does not fit to the theme and gameplay of the Legion.

So I hope, you -bhvr- consider to patch also this in the right direction?

-The secound thing is the automatic stun after a missed hit while you are in frenzy. This game mechanic is with expert survivors and swf teams in mind, more as problematic. We all know how strong they can be and they should getting always a "free win" card, just because they have come together with a microphone and if I am honest, it is also something that not fits to the Legion theme.

Overall, dw is still a joke compared to the dw of the Legion pre nerf.

I don't think, that this a bad thing. I think, a worse dw is exactly what the Legion needed, because it should give bhvr the peace to make those 2 changes without woring that the Legion would be too strong.

What me matters... I don't know for how long I will be back...

I love the Legion. I love the story behind the Legion - even if it is a simple one, or maybe because it is a simple one - and Julie is a real hottie *blush*, but I really feel strongly mixed about the Legion and don't know if the Legion in her current state can give me, what I like to get out of her.

Ahhh and yes... My lovley dbd forum folks... Now you can nickpicking and enrage over ervery word from me... Still I hope, I get the one or other serious answer and maybe also one from bhvr.



  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    Aw... I have forget a question I have, since I have come back...

    My chat getting auto disconnected after... I don't know... 20... 30 secounds? Is that normal.

    I would like to talk with the survivors after the game, but with only a short window of 20 secounds in mind, it makes no sense. Can I somehow avoid this auto disconnect?

    Not every chat in dbd has to be toxic. Sometimes also friendly or funny chats can occur.

    Edit: Uh... Thanks for the fast answer. Wish you guys a good day/night or what ever it is in canada.

  • Some of my most fun games as legion, even the survivors said they had fun.

    Because using his ability you can be all over the place it's great; just jumping target to target, even if you lose it can be great fun.

    I just miss being able to use on hit stuff, it allowed some fun things. So many fun off meta builds. but now Ima have to play whatever the new meta is instead =(