BHVR doesn't hate you

as difficult as some of you people make it to not hate you, BHVR doesn't just hate all killers, or solo survs, or even legion or pig.
they have a lot on their plate, and you cant expect them to make the perfect call, every time, asap...
i get frustrated sometimes too, i get it. but screaming AND TYPING IN ALL CAPS isn't going to get your message across any quicker.
yes, they may have made the game, but we put more hours into playing and testing their game, i know. i agree they should listen to us a little more... but maybe the reason they don't listen to us enough is because some people act like spoiled rotten, entitled, only children, and you scream your heads off when you don't get exactly what you want exactly when you want it...
just try giving it a rest. just for a bit.
They love me for sure.
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I never thought BHVR hated me, they dont care about me. There is a difference.
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to be fair, i dont care about you either, so.
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Exactly. I dont care about you ether and i dont hate you, the idea that disagreement/conflict means hate is a bad way to think. No one here thinks BHVR hates us and your wrong to assume we think this way.
BHVR favors money and they do thinks to make more money. No one here ever thought they were doing things out of malice.
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Of course we don't hate them. Just like you don't hate the child that falls down and hits their head for 100th time in the exact same way. It's just... dissappointing.
I'm just sad they didn't fix the issue that prevented saving survivor from killers grasp when the animation is playing.
They keep forgetting about it for some reason.
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A lot of players just seem to think they are “entitled to more” or “better”.... they have lost grip of reality.... simply because “they pay into the game” or “because they are the consumer”
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The evidence is there and its very damning.
The Devs really hate the Pig.
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They might not hate us, but they definetly don't care half of the times. The other half they don't even know what to do and Legion is the perfect example for that.
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Shall we consider this your application for 'trusted' status?
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They sure seem to hate Demogorgon though, giving him the cold shoulder as of late.
I just want his bugs fixed but they won't even put them on the known issues list =/
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Yes BVHR does hate me. I know they do. They are always watching me. I saw BVHR staring at me through my window. They gave me remake Freddy. That alone is a sign of hate and pure evil.
Remember, just because you are paranoid does not mean they are not out to get you.
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Ironic from the person who’s jailed
Also devs hate legion with a burning passion. Maybe not me but legion needs proper love. 💔
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No one thinks BHVR hates them. It feels like they couldn't care less about solo players (solo survs and killer). People who play SWF have far superior experience than anything a solo player has.
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The legion changes did make them more fun imo.
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Everybody loves Nhekii
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Faster but idk about fun, it’s nice feeling quick again and hitting everyone feels satisfying, but after that and being stunned it’s just regular chasing and if they get to a good loop then welp. My opinion of course but that’s how I see them, still love them though lol.
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Poor Legion...
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For sure waiting in pre-match lobbies for at least 10 minutes, facing constant lobby dodges, having to restart lobbies because not everyone in the party gets in. Damn, just thinking about how great us SWF have it. Wow.
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Maybe killers dodge SWF lobbies bc half of yall are toxic 🤔🤔
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Am I a good egg? 😊
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I rarely face “toxic” swf groups.
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I agree with you with one notable exception, someone in BHVR has in fact sown a seed of hatred towards Legion and I refuse to believe otherwise.
My guess is that its the "bunch of guys sitting around a table" that @Peanits mentioned in another thread. This is just a theory but since I feel so strongly towards it emotionally I'm going to state it as fact!
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Careful they say you're a "good egg" but they just want to find what cracks ya'.
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good for you. unfortunately for me most swf I go against are flashlight clicking , teabagging , pallet camping toxic teams
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@Thatbrownmonster The best egg. Also has the best memes.
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Everyone loves Thatbrownmonster
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thanks <3
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Maybe if SWF teams weren't so toxic and miserable to play against you wouldn't have these problems.
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I play about 50% killer and I'm at rank 1. I don't dodge lobbies. Most groups aren't too bad.
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Having played against you, you're opinion is of little value to me.
Again, rank 1 killer and rank 1 survivor. Not as much toxicity as people claim. Also, so what if a survivor teabags me at a pallet or gate? Who cares if they get a flashlight save or body block? It's part of the game.
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Perhaps. But the ones that are leave quite the impression.
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when did I play against you??
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December 9th. Thompson House. Freddy.
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That's a monkey
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Didnt camp, knew your teammate was up there so I baited them. not my fault your teammate was stupid.
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I mean. You did. My teammate didn't go for the save. She just did totems and boxes until she died from egc. Nice tale you're trying to weave though.
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But its the survivors that are toxic :T
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Legion called, he said hold my keg...
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literally don't even remember that. what character where you using ??
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4k under 3 minutes or the devs hate me on a personal level