You want to know how to get a truly balanced game. THIS.

  • Ensure a minimun time for a match, 10 minutes minimun, 12 would be ideal.
  • Remove infinites or "strong loopings" or whatever you call them
  • Remove second chance perks and boring perks, bye DS, NOED, Spirit fury, Bamboozle, Borrowed, Ruin...
  • ERRADICATE boring and unfun behaviours, no more slug, camp and tunnel, and this does not mean less points or emblems, this means physically IMPOSSIBLE to do it, unless doors are opened obviously.
  • Balance killers and maps to allow a long match enjoyable for everyone.

But devs, please, STOP building broken killers, STOP hiding the gen rush problem, STOP saying camp, tunnel and slug are legit strategies... Lets build a funnier game.

Sorry if I made some mistakes, not english native.


  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Game seems okay so far just need some map reworks and hopefully another objective to replace some gen time

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    Devs rely on ruin to help balance their game. How much worse can it get? lmao

  • LordRegal
    LordRegal Member Posts: 1,547
    edited December 2019

    I swear to God if they suddenly introduce a "automatic first down" mechanic...

    Wait, what game are we talking about again?

    ...In all seriousness though, I feel like forcing a game to be longer no matter what's going on isn't the solution. Is the game too fast now in optimal play? Yes. But that doesn't mean survivors shouldn't be rewarded for absolutely stomping the killer. Ironically, doing things as fast as humanly possible only hurts their score and pip in the end. No killer interaction = no boldness and no altruism, so they're missing two of their emblems right there. I say this as someone who is frequently called a killer biased person, by the way. There's ways to make the game more balanced, for sure, but I don't think enforcing a minimum speed requirement is the way to do it.

  • Pokino
    Pokino Member Posts: 81

    There are a lot of ideas. For example, camp would be impossible if a hook surv could be save if different points instead one sibgle hook, tunnel would be impossible if surv obtain invencibility until he would be healed (and obviously he couldn't repair or do anything until healed), and we could say bye slug if all survs runs unbreakable in basekit, one surv down, one hook, simple.

    This is an ideal, obviously it would be neccesary remake most of the game

  • FluorescentLemon
    FluorescentLemon Member Posts: 257

    The game is already survivor-sided enough as it is man, this is an idea I can't possibly disagree with more

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,126

    How do you enforce a minimum time?

    slug, camp and tunnel ... physically IMPOSSIBLE to do

    Ok, how? Once a killer downs a survivor they automatically go to the shadow realm for a set time and reappear far away from the killer? Have a survivor go to a random spot on the map to "revive" a fallen teammate? What happens if the killer downs all four? Wouldn't that violate point 1, an enforced minimum time?

    Balance killers and maps to allow a long match enjoyable for everyone.

    You forgot survivor. Having three gens pop for one hook isn't fun either.

  • Pokino
    Pokino Member Posts: 81

    Yes, I know, it would be necessary to rebuild most of the game, but every killer genrushed, every surv camped, every surv playing vs an one-shot killer in a shi......y map like shelter woods, every killer bored to death seeing a surv vaulting the same window... all of them can´t deny other ways to get fun could be possible.

  • xCarrie
    xCarrie Member Posts: 982
    1. When time is up who wins..? Blendette galore if it’s survivor, doctor galore if it’s killer.
    2. Infinite’s yes but strong loops no, they’re two different things. Better option would be to remove non-mindgameable loops.
    3. Fair, but no ds=tunnel fest. No ruin=really fast games.
    4. How? Anyone can say devs do this but never really how. You can’t remove slugging an camping and make it “impossible.”
    5. Again...How?

    Is the game perfect? Not even close. Has it stayed relevant and been played for over three years? Yes. This game is in need of health fixes and publicity but it’s been fine all these years. We may complain and I do too, but we still come back.

  • Pokino
    Pokino Member Posts: 81

    If a match last 12 minutes, ANY killer should be worried about a 3 minutes chase. For me it would be the opposite, because I want to face good survs knowing rest of them arent going to rush me.

  • xChrisx
    xChrisx Member Posts: 917

    Hitboxes and tunneling are 2 big problems for the game, thats it.

    A newbie getting hitted by a wifi hit and tunneled everygame will left the game as soon as possible.

    Ds should be a default perk usable 2times and the timer should stop when slugged or in a locker

  • Pokino
    Pokino Member Posts: 81

    In the current state of the game, DS needs a single change, you should lose the protection status if you do something different than heal yourself or being healed. Stop seeing people repairing hurted.

  • DeanIcity
    DeanIcity Member Posts: 180

    Oh, okay, thanks for your input. Do you play survivor by chance? LAWL

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    Serious, even as killer main, I don't know how one could erase camping and tunneling from the game.

    It's like gen rushing.

    Those 3 things exist because they either possible, sometimes necessary (what camping matters in very rar cases) and there is no alternative (depending on the situation).

  • tylerlogsdon1
    tylerlogsdon1 Member Posts: 158

    The game isn't made to be easy lol

    Play a different one

  • xCarrie
    xCarrie Member Posts: 982
    edited December 2019

    Yeah? What does that have to do with literally anything. Don’t try to turn this into another survivor vs killer post.

    Edit: Woooooopsie daisy, wrong name. Looked really similar to mine. My bad. 🤣

  • Prex91
    Prex91 Member Posts: 764

    Simple ideas, maybe good maybe not.

    Against tunneling= make a bloodpoints bonus reward, like bbq and chili, so solo surv matches can be less bad in low ranks, where people do not good saves.

    Against camping= maybe buff camaraderie can help.

    Against gen rush= toolbox problem, so buff franklin's demise.

    Balancing key and mori will also help to reduce fast matches.