White Ward should counter Franklin's

"OMG more survivor buffs" No, this is how the offering should work. Even keep the damage applied to the item, but this rare addon is entirely worthless if the killer decides to bring franklin's.
If it did, swf groups would just be able to multiply rare items and add ons. I think it's completely fine as is.
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but my change has literally nothing to do with that. Are you just saying random trash to derail the thread? The point of this thread is on the interaction between Franlin's Demise (perk) and White Ward (offering).
There was one point where survivors who died while using a white ward would not drop their item, but that was a while ago if I remember. Who knows what happened to that.
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Chill. 2 survivors join a game - 1 with ward and item, other without an item. Killer smacks first guy. Second guy takes the item and escapes with it. Both guys keep said item.
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No, otherwise the white ward could be used to duplicate items. There's a reason why you need to die while having the item in order to keep it.
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my change has nothing to do with that, read the post or don't comment. That bug exists with or without my change.
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You come into this thread and try to derail it, and when I respond you tell me to chill? Bruh. And you still didn't read the post. My change has nothing to do with that bug.
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I literally gave you a step by step explanation of why your "change" does exactly that. If you create posts on a public forum and post your ideas, expect people to give you constructive feedback. Instead of trying to attack them, you can try to actually listen to this feedback. You might learn something.
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Not only you wrote a misleading thread, since nobody seems to understand the meaning, but also it would be a stupid change. Because if the offerings is worthless against franklin's, then the perk you brought to counter an item would become worthless.
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white ward. does this. already.
I want the [offering] known as [white ward] to stop The [perk] [Franklin's demise] from ripping the item out of a survivors hand. The fact that a duplication bug exists already has nothing to do with my change. In fact, there is no way my change could even make the problem worse.
You're not being attacked, you are the attacker. Be gone, troll.
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nothing in my thread is misleading at all
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Yes it is. When white ward and franklin's are discussed in the same thread is the fact that dropped items cannot be saved by white ward. In your thread you don't mention even once that white ward should not drop the item after being hit by franklin's, it's normal people assume you're talking about the hottest topic about.
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You ASSUMED what I was talking about, which means you didn't actually READ the topic. I suggested that items never even leave the survivor's hand which, again, absolutely nothing to do with the dupe bug
Don't try to act defensive either, by your own admission you (and accullla) didn't even read what my post was about before you started commenting, which lead to an attempt at thread derailing. Accept it. Learn from it. Move on.
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There is no bug here @Accullla is quite correct in their summation.
White Wards are designed to protect the item that is in your hand when you die, not items that you've left in the trial for whatever reason. If it worked differently, then there would be the possibility to duplicate items regularly.
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AHAHAH, no. Even the ######### mod misunderstood you, tell me how someone should have understood what you meant from these two lines, tell me please:
"OMG more survivor buffs" No, this is how the offering should work. Even keep the damage applied to the item, but this rare addon is entirely worthless if the killer decides to bring franklin's.
You don't make any mention on how the counter should work.
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this guy is straight up mad at commenters because he lost an item while using white ward
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The duplication effect can be entirely removed by stopping items from being dropped when a survivor dies. The only thing this thread is talking about is changing the interaction between The perk and the offering to make the offering not worthless. I never once said I want dropped items to be preserved, I want the item to not be dropped in the first place. If I wanted to say that dropped items should be preserved, I would have said so explicitly.
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Yes, the rare offering which has a single use and is supposed to protect your items, is entirely worthless by a perk which has infinite uses.
The commenters are ruining this thread by making HEAVY assumptions on what I'm actually suggesting.
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you didnt clarify it. If multiple people are saying the same thing, you might want to consider improving your communication instead of blaming them
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What does Franklin's do? It drops your item to the ground when the killer hits you. So if you were to counter the perk... it would stop that from happening, right? (I even said that it should still take away item durability, as a good measure.)
Now if I would have said "white ward should allow you to keep your item no matter where it is", THEN the people on this thread would have a good point and I would be wrong, BUT it's nothing but assumption. Instead of accepting the correction or asking for clarification, people doubled down and assumed I meant the second thing.
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The wording in your post isn't good. I suggest fixing it, as I didn't see a single person commenting on this thread actually understand what you meant. They all tried to give you constructive feedback, which you mistook as a personal attack against you and started getting defensive.
On topic - This idea isn't better than what I originally thought you suggested, because it would allow to negate 1 of the killer's perks using an offering while you still get to use all 4 of your perks AND your item AND its addons.
I'll ignore the insult at the end of your comment and just assume you don't know any better.
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Maybe he even lost gasp add-ons!
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I'm sick and tired of legitimate suggestion threads being derailed by trolls/ people with poor reading comprehension skills that assume everything and don't bother to ask for clarification, and then when I do clarify they double down.
Franklin's Demise forces survivors to drop their items. I ONLY said a White Ward should counter the perk, but people (even the mod I called in to help re-rail the post) made the HARD assumption that I wanted the white ward to universally spare items, no matter where they are on the map.
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I’m confused by this thread. Suggestion is white ward makes it so you DO NOT drop your item, if hit by a killer using Franklin’s Demise, which, causes you to drop your item.
Somehow, that is construed by some very high IQ people to mean “you want white ward to protect items when you drop your item after you’re sacrificed, unfair!!!”
What’s truly scarier is this is just a video game thread. Imagine how poor reading comprehension comes into play with politics, or, being easily manipulated by the news.
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Just run to a locker with your item soo you don't lose your item
it's that simple
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- Keep damage to item
- Addon (offering) is useless when franklin'd.
- Op's post doesnt contain " does not drop item.
Sorry, but both Franklins and white ward are doing what theyre supposed to.
And "survivor doesnt drop item when franklin'd" is a bad idea.
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Guess they were just not galaxy brain enough to get that the OP meant some type of 1-off special offering-item-perk interaction unlike anything seen in the game before, and based their interpretations on how the game actually operates.
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Don’t agree, not many killers use franklins as is, and if they happen to be using it while you have a white ward that’s just bad luck. Very rare occurrence
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No. White Ward makes it so when you die, you don't lose the item you are holding. It shouldn't be changed to also prevent you from dropping your item. That isn't what it does. You can argue about what you mean all day, doesn't make it a good idea.
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No the item goes back to the White Ward survivor no matter what this way. Easy enough to code.
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Still that feels VERY specific.
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So then how would the second guy know if an item on the ground belonged to someone with a White Ward or if it can be taken out with them?
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It's fine as it is!
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It is not. Devs are just to lazy to prevent multiplying by default.
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I still prefer a perk who restores charges by doing x thing and unable to drop it.
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I feel like the whole duplication potential isn't even an issue.
As it is, I also think that the fact that White Ward was never updated after Franklin's Demise was added is definitely odd.
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Why would they update something that is still working as intended?
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Because it doesn't work as intended anymore, for one.
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Please explain.
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Don't leave me hanging - I'm still interested in an explanation.
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That would make Franklin's useless then. If your on a team all bringing items, that's the price you could pay.
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I've always thought that franklin's shouldn't be able to knock an item out of your hand if you have a white ward, I asked the devs in a stream about it around the time it came out and they said they had no intention of changing it to be that way, which in my opinion is pretty stupid. it wouldn't make franklin's useless, it would just be countered by an offering that's not used every single game. all it would do it make it so the offering was more useful. It's a stupid interaction to allow to happen. white ward is supposed to protect your item. people saying "why would they change something that's working as intended" I can hear your neck beard growing. they should change it bc it's bullcrap and shouldn't be that way. keeping the item in your hand leaves no possibility for duplicating items, if there's some duplication bug that needs fixing, that has nothing to do with the balance of an item, bugs should not be considered in a balance discussion, bc bugs can be fixed
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Ah, insults because people are pointing out that both the perk and offering literally do what their descriptions state.
A classic tactic employed by someone with nothing to say - "I think it's stupid that it's working as intended - Have an insult."
Fortunately, both the game and the developers operate outside of your feelies.
"When da Weaved Ring rework?! It's not fair that I drop my Key AND add-on when hit with Franklin's Demise! This is stupid! Protect my Key!" - Topic from the Future, I'm sure.
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What if the White Ward made it soulbound to the specific Survivor that brought it in, meaning if it does get slapped out of your hand and someone else decides to pick it up they can't leave the trial with it. Regardless of it being dropped, the Survivor that brought it in gets to keep it because it is bound to them.
Just a thought.
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If all comes down to the possibility of multiplying items, then why not simply rework Franklin instead? As of now Franklin mostly just pisses off survivors and makes the game even more toxic. If the perk only damaged items, then everything would have been solved in one fell swoop: white ward works as intended, items can not be duplicated and the game is somewhat less toxic. A win, however you look at it.
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Funny thing is, even if my change is made, the item would still lose durability for each hit. This isn't even a hard counter to Franklin's, it's a quality of life upgrade.
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"The item's description states what is does therefore it's working as intended and is therefore perfectly balanced in all regards"
There is just too much wrong with this logic; nobody cares what the item's description says, it is entirely irrelevant. What IS relevant is how the item works with other items/ mechanics, and the fact is that a rare offering worth 7000 BP is entirely worthless. Imagine if having DS stopped a survivor from being able to be Mori'd?
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It's a nerf - Just because you think something should work in a particular way because "reasons," doesn't make it so.
You literally want an item that is no longer in your possession to be protected by White Ward, when its whole purpose is to protect your item in the event of death. It sucks that a perk can counter your one time use offering, I'm sure, but I don't see people rioting over Shroud of Binding being countered by Discordance @_@
You can complain and argue about it all you want, but you'll still always be wrong, and you've not provided any compelling reasons to change it, aside from wanting to keep your item because, well, entitlement.
If DS could stop someone from being mori'ed, I'm sure they would put it into the perk description, but nice try at 'whataboutism.'
You can keep reaching, but Stretch Armstrong went out of style a couple of decades ago.
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White Ward works as intended at this very moment - If you doubt it, tag a dev.
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practice what you preach, you have no argument for it not being changed except for "it is what it is" and yet you decide to talk trash and act like other people's opinions aren't valid because you don't agree with them.
Post edited by Rizzo on0 -
Yup - It is what it is, as intended :3
By all means, feel free to explain how I'm supposed to argue for something remaining the same without stating it's working as intended - That's literally the entire argument for keeping the perk as is / not advocating for a change (barring the fact that you can tag a dev here to verify that it's working as intended and has no changes coming in the near future).